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2012-2017 CasaDelAngel

sábado, 12 de junio de 2010

The Doomsday Code - waiting for Armageddon The Future Is Now=The Doomsday Code the last war AEMAGEDDON World war 3 The Future Is Now !!!

Tony Robinson travels to America, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa to gather evidence that might uncover the realities behind the prophecies contained within the Book of Revelation. He interviews people who believe millions will be spirited up to Heaven, Israel will fight a nuclear war, that the Secretary General of the UN will be unmasked as the Anti-Christ and the world will end after the Battle of Armageddon. Doomsday, End of days, World war 3, Iran, Israel, Islam, Jew, Christianity, Muslim, war! Lobby Groups!

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