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lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

An Electromagnetic Pulse Attack could shut down America-Epoca de turbulencia en nuestra Galaxia

Puede ocurrir en cualquier momento:
Un Pulso Electromagnético puede dejarnos sin Electricidad,Suministro de Agua,Teléfonos y otros Medios de Comunicación,Suministro de Alimentos,Medicinas,Medios de Transportes,Incluso dinero si no estamos preparados y los ATM dejan de funcionar.Millones de personas tendrían que evacuar las zonas más pobladas.
Entidades privadas que conocen este evento por decadas, han estado preparándose para protejerse a si mismos de esta catastrofe.Si querias saber para qué esta Elit-como el Grupo Bilderberg-podría querer tanto poder como el que han adquerido en los últimos 80 años; ahora ya lo sabes.

Trunews with Rick Wiles with guest Todd and Nora Hathaway- the threat of an EMP attack.
. The authors of the new book "The Day The Grid Stood Still" give compelling reasons for a EMP attack and/or CME to hit us.
The implications are many, your car would not work, your electric won't work. Communications would stop, people would be stranded, your ATM won't work. In short we would be screwed...unless you were prepared.
EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack could disable the power grid over large swaths of America. If fission bombs were detonated above the country, a gamma ray burst would trigger an electromagnetic disturbance, knocking out the infrastructure below it. Such effects have been demonstrated with high altitude nuclear tests such as Starfish Prime.

an EMP attack the power grid might be down for months or even years. EMP effects could be caused by solar flares too, like the superstorm that occurred in 1859.
North Korea or Iran could easily place an EMP-calibrated weapon within range of America and blow out the entire U.S. power grid. A 2004 Congressional Study projected a stunning 90% fatality rate from such an attack, he remarked, explaining that it would cause an almost immediate shortage of potable water, food and medical supplies, and eventually lead to a economic and societal collapse

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